
Dùn Coillich

is a diverse mosaic of habitats and home to an ever-increasing number of species as native trees return and nature flourishes.

But turn back the clock and you’d be stepping into a very different scene – an upland farm where biodiversity was severely limited from browsing by deer and feral goats…

When the farm went on the market in 2001, a group of local people with a shared vision worked tirelessly to raise money to buy the site for the benefit of the community and nature.

It was the first ever community-led land buy-out in Perthshire, made possible by huge generosity from charitable benefactors, the local community and corporate funders.



for the future

A nature-rich landscape full of the sounds, sights and smells of a thriving ecosystem, led by a community-driven approach that delivers lasting benefits for people and place.

How we’re getting there…

Planting native trees, encouraging regeneration, and making space for wildlife by restoring natural ecosystems.

We have planted 200 hectares of native woodland, covering 45% of the land!

Creating path networks , showcasing marked walks and encouraging our community to visit, enjoy and cherish their land.

We have created 12km of walking trails and visitor infrastructure, including two car parks, a hut, a tool store and a waterless toilet.

Delivering rural skills training programmes, regular volunteer sessions and hands-on educational opportunities

Each year on average:

200 volunteers devote 3,000 hours of time

12 rural skills traineeships are delivered

300 school-age children gain hands-on experiences

200 people attend community events.