bring people and place together

Walks & talks

We believe landscapes really come alive when you engage with them. We offer a varied programme of guided walks, talks and workshops throughout the spring, summer and autumn, giving people a chance to delve deeper into the sights and sounds of Dùn Coillich.

For some, it’s a canvas for creativity; we offer dedicated workshops where you can write, draw or develop photography skills. 

Others want to reap the rewards that being surrounded by nature can bring, mindfulness walks or joining a guided tour walk to learn about the wealth of flora and fauna that call Dùn Coillich home.

Walks, talks and workshops are booked through our Eventbrite page where you will find full details of timings, where to meet, what to wear/bring and what to expect.
Numbers are strictly limited and booking is essential for all events, so make sure you get in early!



Getting together is a vital part of connecting with the community, raising awareness of our work, celebrating successes and thanking our volunteers and supporters. Our gatherings play a central part in that.

Events include our twice-yearly community barbeques held at Dùn Coillich. They are held come rain or shine, and the more musical among us might even strike up a tune or two!

Our Annual General Meetings (AGM) provide a great opportunity to meet our trustees, volunteers, representatives of partner organisations as well as our project officers.

Come along to find out more about what we do, and hear about the latest projects. You can also become a member, sign up as a volunteer and find out more about key projects such as our rural skills training scheme.

We also invite inspiring speakers so the local community can hear from key individuals working in landscape regeneration, ecological restoration or wildlife monitoring.


Mid-summer gathering and barbeque

Saturday 22 June 2024
Dùn Coillich main car park
2.00 – 5.00pm

Preceded by guided walk from Forest Manager and native tree expert Willie McGhee.

Annual General Meeting

Saturday 27 April 2024
Kynachan Hall, Bridge of Tummel
2.00 – 4.00pm

Including talk on pine martens from natural historian, ecologist and forester, Rob Coope.