

Dùn Coillich’s transformation will benefit the planet and future generations.

Inspired by our work? Want to help this precious place to flourish?
We’ve already made great strides but we can’t stop here.

Add your voice to ours and help us to:

  • make space for wildlife by restoring natural ecosystems
  • run our hands-on educational and rural skills projects
  • continue our volunteering programmes
  • maintain and enhance our path networks
  • run events which encourage people to visit and enjoy this special place!

Here’s a chance to play your part in our landscape’s future!


Memberships are the lifeblood of our charity, but they are much more than that – it’s your chance to become part of a really special community.

Join us and you’ll be funding our work to restore precious habitats, deliver educational programmes and open up this landscape for the benefit of all.

Annual (£15), Life (£200) and Corporate (£175) Memberships are available, giving you chance to access events for free, vote on decisions affecting our future and get invites to gatherings.

You’ll be kept up to date on the latest news – and know you had a part to play in this landscape’s transformation!


If you want to make a positive difference people and the planet, why not support the creation of a thriving ecosystem that will bring lasting benefits for years to come?

Every single penny you give will help us make a positive difference right now and well into the future!

Here’s how YOU can make your mark!

£20 could help us plant five trees

£50 could build three metres of boardwalk

£100 covers an educational site visit from a school or group

£500 could support a new monitoring programme

Corporate Membership

More and more businesses are looking for ways to ‘give back’ – and more and more customers, shareholders and employees are demanding they do!

We offer opportunities for corporate team building and volunteering days, but why not really make your mark and become a corporate member?

Your partnership will provide us with essential income to support our future work. In return you can:

  • showcase your passion for protecting precious habitats – get hands-on, create case studies, celebrate your partnership, enhance your branding!
  • demonstrate your alignment with our vision for healthy, thriving ecosystems that benefit people and place – display our logo, highlight your membership on social media, newsletters and websites
  • make connections with others committed to conservation – through events, AGMs, gatherings
  • offer inspiration to current and potential employees – through team building and volunteer days

For just £175 a year you will receive:

  • invitations to events and volunteer days
  • opportunities to arrange bespoke team building days
  • use of our logo and a membership certificate to display
  • freedom to create case studies, use imagery, promote our partnership on social media and your own website
  • acknowledgement on our website and annual report.

For more information contact

Leave a legacy

With every year that passes the trees regenerate, the wildlife returns and we welcome more visitors – of the winged, four legged and two legged variety! We want this nature-rich landscape to flourish well into the future.

By leaving a legacy to Highland Perthshire Communities Land Trust – the charity that manages Dùn Coillich and the Wee Birks Field – your history will be woven into those seasons to come.

Please take legal advice from a fully qualified and registered lawyer if you are considering setting up a legacy in your will.

You do not need to notify us but we would love to say thank you and invite you to Dùn Coillich for a tour.

Contact us at info@hpclt.org for more information.

Scottish Charity: SC032801
Scottish Guarantee Company: SC22793

Registered Office address:
J. & H. Mitchell W.S.
Solicitors and Estate Agents
51 Atholl Road, Pitlochry
PH16 5BU